速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Grand View Recorder

Grand View Recorder



檔案大小:41.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:日語, 英語

Grand View Recorder(圖1)-速報App

Voice recoginition for the voice command needs internet connections. Please notice that the traffic always occurs when the voice command turns on. App supports just for iOS10.

Say “Recording start” when you saw the grand view, you can record the video of a grand view easily.

Please mute the music before you say “Recording”, because the recoginition rate decreases at playing a music.

4k video supports for iPhone6s/plus.

You can set the recording point long-pressing on the map.

Please long-press the info window of the the recording point for deleting the point.

You can set the distance(15m, 250m, 500m) short of the point, a size of video and recording time for each point respectively.

The recorded video is saved automatically to photo library.

Voice command available.

The accuracy of voice recoginition will be reduced under noisy circumstances.

Please say “Recording” and the recording will start/stop. Or tap the record button/compass arrow for starting to record.

long-press on speed label to change the unit of Speed/Alt.

Notice: Please tuen off "low power mode” at settings->battery.

Otherwise your iPhone/iPad will enter to the suspended mode.

Please set your iPhone/iPad away from direct sunlight and notice the battery charge remaining and disk capacity.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad